Written by
Hamish Thomson
Published on
December 1, 2021
What's new in the latest version of PlanStudio!
Smart Fill Drawing Mode
The zone tool has a new "smart fill" drawing mode, allowing you to easily fill in rooms/hallways/floors.
The Wall Boundary Type setting can be used to control where the zone is placed relative to the walls:
Custom Assembly Area Icons
Assembly Areas now support custom icons, allowing you to have different kinds of assembly areas within a plan.
Once added, you can then configure custom icons for each assembly area in your plan, if desired.
https://video.wixstatic.com/video/9d9cd5_8b3a3658631e405f9ab407969c72a6b4/1080p/mp4/file.mp4New Evac Path Styles
There's a new "Primaries and Secondaries" evac path style for site plans.
https://video.wixstatic.com/video/9d9cd5_1e8aff84547e478f90b0d66d5277e55d/1080p/mp4/file.mp4Apply Different Themes to Floorplans
You can now apply different themes to floorplans and siteplans within the same diagram.
There's also a new Theme Override Mode setting that can be used to override themes differently for floorplans/siteplans per diagram.
https://video.wixstatic.com/video/9d9cd5_d5e7dbcffe2642309f59175571e05f84/1080p/mp4/file.mp4Attach PDF & Word Documents to Anything
You can now attach PDF/Word documents to anything.
Hide Evac Path Break Lines
You can now use themeing to hide the break lines of evac paths.
https://video.wixstatic.com/video/9d9cd5_c42f65f99ad3491696428b640699544c/1080p/mp4/file.mp4Select All Checkbox
There's a new Select All checkbox in the Diagrams list, to make it easier to select all diagrams in campuses with many buildings.
https://video.wixstatic.com/video/9d9cd5_73eed0d991054796b7c5c07075a82553/1080p/mp4/file.mp4Squashing Bugs
Bug Fixes & Other Improvements