Frequentely Asked Questions

Common questions about our solutions answered!

Will I have to re-draw my floor plans?

While not 100% necessary, It's highly recommended that you redraw your floor plan using the tools inside PlanStudio, Doing so offers significant advantages, particularly in terms of accurately capturing data and facilitating future alterations with ease.

Can I import CAD plans?

Absolutely, you have the option to convert it to a PDF format. Additionally, PlanStudio allows you to import geoTIFF and other formats as well, there are tutorials and step by step guides that can assist you to import any type of existing plan.

Why do my buildings need to be spatially located?

Spatial accuracy in PlanStudio is simply part of the process, PlanStudio seamlessly integrates indoors and outdoors via high-resolution satellite imagery. This ensures all floorplans have real-world size and location data, that not only reduces the margin for error when creating floor plans off poor original base plans but also enables users to accurately gauge the dimensions of their floorplans and the real-world location of exits, assets and data points.

How secure is my data?

Locatrix takes data security seriously and our products are continuously subjected to security audits and testing by external vendors in accordance with ISO 27001. To find out more about how we keep your data safe, check out our Security & Compliance page.

Is PlanStudio hard to learn?

PlanStudio offers an intuitive learning experience facilitated by its built-in tutorials. These tutorials empower users to learn at their own pace, providing the flexibility to revisit them whenever needed.

Is PlanSafe compliant with relevant legislation and regulatory requirements?

PlanSafe is fully compliant with AS 3745-2010 Planning for emergencies in facilities, the Building Fire & Safety Regulations 2008 (QLD) and all relevant WHS and OHS legislation in each state.

Is there a limit to how many learners can be on a PlanSafe?

A PlanSafe subscription includes unlimited use, with no caps on how many learners can be on a PlanSafe portal.

Is PlanSafe content customizable?

PlanSafe content is fully customizable and is tailored to be site-specific. This means that the training delivered will only include what is relevant to each user who is completing their training on the platform.

Does PlanSafe support additional login mechanisms?

PlanSafe supports integration with Learning Management Systems (LMS) via a SCORM 1.2 or SCORM 2004 integration. We also support a range of SSO options including ADFS, SAML and OIDC.

Still have questions?

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