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Locatrix Welcomes Scott Jackson

Written by
Hamish Thomson
Published on
November 16, 2022

As we finish up another successful year at Locatrix ready to embark on another one, we are pleased to report that the future is looking bright! With record growth (again) and a new product on the horizon, we are delighted to share with you great news that Scott Jackson is confirmed to join our team as our new Chief Operating Officer.

“Since the release of PlanStudio in 2019 Locatrix has been growing strongly. With more projects being added to our workload each day we realised the need to grow through talent acquisition.“  said John Hummelstad Locatrix CEO.

“It’s against this backdrop I wish to welcome Scott Jackson to Locatrix as our new Chief Operating Officer. With over 20 years’ experience in the tech sector in Australia and overseas, Scott brings a depth of experience to the business that will yield immediate returns. Having worked with Scott before, I am very excited to welcome him to the team so we can build Locatrix into a globally successful Queensland owned business” John continued.

Hitting the ground running, Scott will be overseeing the development and execution of existing and future products like PlanStudio, PlanSafe and upcoming PlanSight.

Having spent most of his career in growth technology services organisations including recently exiting to a national player. Scott is looking for the next challenge and recognises that Locatrix is poised to will deliver that.

I was involved in Locatrix in its early stages and have admired John and the team’s effort and results in achieving the growth since then. It is an Australian success story and is on the cusp of global expansion and it is an exciting time in the company’s history. I look forward to working with the team and our partners to continue the growth.

“I am excited to be part of a company where the technology supports our customers and partners to achieve our mission which is to save lives. The better our product, the better our ability to achieve this goal”
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