Written by
Hamish Thomson
Published on
May 27, 2020
The Governing Bodies of the Thoroughbred, Harness and Dog Racing Industry across Australia provide the strategic direction and funding required to produce quality racing products that meet customer demands in a globally competitive industry. These organisations are responsible for breeding, funding of clubs as well as providing; stakes, media rights and managing racing venues. They provide a commercially viable future for racing by promoting and distributing data on racing form, track conditions and, promoting premium racing events and carnivals.
“PlanSafe gives the operators of the horse tracks in Australia and New Zealand the ability to induct employees, contractors, members and visitors with the skills and knowledge to remain safe at our race courses through the turnkey capabilities of this solution”
Kevin Maloney
Chairman Segenhoe Group
Identifying the Challenges
The industry is looking for a single system to:
PlanSafe Solution
PlanSafe’s online safety induction and emergency management program provides safety information and safety training to racecourse employees, contractors, race day staff and visitors through a single system that provides 100% compliance with the current WH&S Legislation, the Building Fire Safety Regulations (BFSR-2008) and the Australian Standards (AS 3745-2010).
As the industry has specific requirements (e.g. working with animals, operating machinery and crowd management), much configuration work has been invested to create a specific induction portal that covers the broad set of hazards that racing must manage. Interactive floor plans are created for each site and building (stadium, stables, kennels, workshops etc.) to provide localised information on any form of equipment at each racetrack. Present-day fire safety equipment training videos, a library of 70 Emergency Services certified videos for employees, first responders, contractors and Wardens are integrated into the portal. Site specific Emergency Control Organisation (ECO) Instruction for Safety and Fire Wardens are provided, these videos are customised to the racing industry’s requirements.