PlanStudio 3.7

Written by
Hamish Thomson
Published on
July 8, 2024
New Features

Added door locks for restricting evacuation paths from passing through a door.

  • Similar to portals, door locks can apply either to only one direction, or both.
  • As part of this change, the Portal layer has been renamed to Door Controls, and it now controls the visibility of both portals and door locks.

Leader line targets of alarm zone icons and zoned icons can now be customised on the sign preview.

Added the ability to customise evac path arrows.

  • The primary and secondary path's arrow image can be edited in the Icon Library editor as core.evac_path and core.evac_path_alternate.

The client library selections now show the name of the default partner libraries.

Other Changes
  • Improved accuracy of the sign preview in PlanStudio.
  • Removed warning when editing a plan without geotags.
  • Improved performance of the sign preview.
  • Improvements to dark mode.

  • Fixed evacuation targets having their mode reset in some cases.
  • Fixed images in the Plan Managers breaking when PlanStudio is left open for a period of time.
  • Fixed client default settings failing to save in rare cases.

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